What is usnea

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You should read the product labels, and discuss all the therapy with a qualified health care provider. Natural standard information does not constitute medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Usnea species classified as fruticose lichens, symbiotic fungi and algae. Usnea grows on the skin and coniferous wood such as pine, cypress, and pine trees and deciduous wood for example, oak, hickory, walnut, Apple, fruit trees and other host trees throughout the northern hemisphere, in Asia, europe, and north america.

Usnic acid is a unique secondary metabolites found in all mosses have been used as a treatment of human papilloma virus and oral hygiene, as an agent with limited effectiveness, has been used as a therapeutic agent in traditional chinese medicine for thousands of years. Taken by mouth to the lungs and upper respiratory tract infections, and applied to the skin to treat surface infections or ulcers. Usnic acid is still used today in the form of liquid extract and tincture for treating tuberculosis, lymphadenitis is found in a variety of oral dietary supplements through the mouth, including the Lipokinetix, marketed as a weight loss agent. However, lipokinetix may not be safe and may cause liver damage, now withdrawn from the market, there is phenylpropanolamine, caffeine, yohimbine hydrochloride, usnic acid and diiodothyronine.

In most cases of lymphadenitis cleans quickly with proper treatment, but it may take some time for the lymph nodes swelling went away. The infection spread to the lymph nodes is usually caused by bacteria, viruses, or fungus. It is important to learn how the infection spread to the lymph nodes so that appropriate treatment can begin. The best way to prevent lymphadenitis is to see your doctor at the first sign of infection or if you see a tender swelling that feels like small bumps under your skin. Be sure to clean and use an antiseptic on any scratches or breaks in your skin and always practice good hygiene.